ONLINE, Events in English Feminist perspectives on decolonization

Decolonizations, anti-racism and interweaving harmonization as plural paths with Chahim Vásquez Tezulutlán-Iximulew and Muriel Gonzalez Athenas

Feminist perspectives on decolonization


TU Berlin, ASH Berlin, Fachgesellschaft Dekolonial, PostColonialities Lab

The decolonization of knowledge production is widely discussed. Questions about how knowledge can be decolonized and what decolonization actually means are inevitably on the agenda. The aim of this lecture series is to promote a dialogue on decolonization beyond the Western university context by engaging with contemporary anti-colonial accounts and movements. To this end, we are primarily inviting feminists who are not based at European or North American universities to Berlin for a transnational virtual conversation.

How do they think and practice decolonization? How do they theorize power relations and what transformative goals do they aim for? What can we learn from them? How can we take global interdependencies into account in our feminist practice in a domination-critical way?

The lectures are hosted by Dr. Céline Barry (TU Berlin) and Dr. Aki Krishnamurthy (ASH Berlin) in cooperation with Fachgesellschaft Dekolonial and PostColonialities Lab and will be held online in English. To participate please register here.