University Board
The University Board is responsible for steering and developing the university.
President's Office
Prof. Dr. Bettina Völter
Professor of Theory and Methods of Social Work
Room No. 309
Consultation hours on request. Please make an appointment with the secretariat (, T: 030-99245 311)

Responsibilities of the President
- Management of the university
- External representation of the university
- Strategic organizational development
- Strategic planning, management, reporting
- University communication
- Personnel responsibility Academic staff
- International
- Intersectional, diversity-oriented practice and transformation (incl. compatibility of studies, career and family)
- Health promotion
- Alice Salomon Poetics Prize
Vice President's Office
Prof. Dr. Gesine Bär
Vizepräsidentin für Forschung, Kooperationen und Digitalisierung
Leitung Kompetenzzentrum Integration und Gesundheit, Professorin für partizipative Ansätze in den Sozial- und Gesundheitswissenschaften
Room No. 302
Sprechstundentermine: nach Vereinbarung

Responsibilities of the Vice-Rector for Research, Cooperation and Continuing Education
- Permanent representation of the Rector
- Research
- Cooperations
- Continuing education center, continuing education courses
- Alumni
- Promotion of academic staff and doctorates
- Library, media
- Alice Salomon Archive
- Career planning and start-up support
Prof. Dr. paed. Anja Voss
Vice President for Studies, Teaching and Digitalization
Professor of Movement Pedagogy & Therapy and Health Promotion
Room No. 313
Online consultation: by appointment

Areas of responsibility of the Vice-Rector for Studies, Teaching and Digitalization
- Quality management and development in studies and teaching
- Digitization
- Head of the Competence Network for Quality Development in Studies and Teaching (KomNetz-QSL)
- Alice Salomon Award
- Affairs of the departments in the transition phase