Social Work "alice's heritage": the history of social work now in the berlinHistory app

A journey through the development of social work - using interactive maps, historical photos and documents, and quotes.

[Translate to Englisch:] Illustration Alice Salomon
[Translate to Englisch:] [Translate to Englisch:]

A journey through the development of social work - that is the promise of the topic layer "alices erbe" in the berlinHistory app recently published by the Alice Salomon Archive (ASA).

In it, the ASA not only presents its namesake Alice Salomon, her life and her work; other outstanding women who have shaped the history of social work to this day, such as Jeannette Schwerin, Margarete Berent or Gertrud Bäumer, are also introduced. Women's rights activists, politicians, kindergarten teachers, lecturers and scientists - they were all committed to social justice and emancipation. Their biographies, like the women themselves, are very different. Often they broke new ground and thus shaped social work - but also German history - until today.

Supplemented by Berlin residential and work addresses, digitized historical photos and documents as well as quotes, the biographies can be traced in the app. In addition, some topics and institutions are examined in detail - for example, the ASA itself, as well as the Alice Salomon University of applied Sciences Berlin or the German Central Institute for Social Issues.

The topic layer was created as part of the project "The Twins and Aunt Ly - A Digitization Project on Alice Salomon's Family History", funded by the Research and Competence Center Digitization Berlin (digiS) and the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion.

The app is available for iOS and Android in every app store, it is free of charge and offers a variety of exciting historical insights into Berlin's history. In addition to interactive maps, there are audio tours, interviews and videos to discover.