People Ceremonial inaugural lectures by the new ASH honorary professors

Dr. Sinja Meyer-Rötz and Dr. Hajo Schmidt-Traub have been working in Department II since April 2024.

Gruppenfoto von den beiden Honorarprofessor_innen mit Rektorin Bettina Völter und Dekan Uwe Bettig im Audimax der ASH Berlin
ASH Rector Prof. Dr. Bettina Völter, Prof. Sinja Meyer-Rötz, Prof. Hajo Schmidt-Traub and Dean Prof. Dr. Uwe Bettig (from left to right)

At the start of the 2024 summer semester, ASH Berlin welcomed its two new honorary professors Dr. Sinja Meyer-Rötz and Dr. Hajo Schmidt-Traub, who work in Faculty II. The inaugural lectures took place yesterday in the well-attended Audimax.

ASH Rector Bettina Völter and Uwe Bettig, Dean of Faculty II - Health, Education and Training, welcomed the honorary professors and the guests to the event. After these introductory words, Sinja Meyer-Rötz spoke about her dissertation "Age(ing) as an interdisciplinary subject of research" and Hajo Schmidt-Traub made a direct reference to the university's namesake with his historical overview "Alice Salomon and statutory accident insurance in the service of social responsibility".

The inspiring presentations were followed by a relaxed Q&A session between the interested guests and honorary professors.

About the honorary professors

Sinja Meyer-Rötz has been a group leader in the Senate Department for Science, Health and Care since 2020. After completing her gerontology studies in Vechta, Ms. Meyer-Rötz received a Master of Health Administration from Bielefeld University and successfully completed her doctorate at the University of Duisburg-Essen in 2015. During her relevant career path in hospital management and in the Berlin public service, where she was responsible for the organization of 60 mobile vaccination stations during the Corona pandemic, Ms. Meyer-Rötz taught at the universities in Vechta and Göttingen.

Hajo Schmidt-Traub has been Deputy Medical Director of Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin since 2017. After studying human medicine in Berlin and Stockholm, Mr. Schmidt-Traub completed his doctorate at the Charité University Hospital and received a Master of Business Administration from the Berlin School of Economics (now HWR Berlin). Mr. Schmidt-Traub has been teaching courses at ASH Berlin since 2017.