Career Service News from the ASHEXIST project

The ASHEXIST project publishes the topic booklet "Funding and Financing" for project implementers and people interested in founding a company.

Building on the practice-oriented guidebook "Wege zur Selbstständigkeit" (Paths to Self-Employment), which was already published in 2021, the ASHEXIST project team has now developed a thematic booklet on the topic of "Funding and Financing" for project implementers and those interested in starting a business. It provides general information on the topic and also addresses specific issues that have been repeatedly raised in the start-up consultations of recent years.

The booklet is aimed at anyone who would like an initial orientation and overview of funding and financing options for their project. It covers offers for start-ups in the SAGE area as well as offers for the focus on social entrepreneurship. The topic booklet can be downloaded free of charge here and via the ASH Career Services website.

Thematic booklet "Funding and Financing" for people interested in founding a company

All offers mentioned in the booklet are summarized in this table. It will be updated and expanded by the project team at regular intervals. You can download the guidebook "Ways to self-employment" here. It is also available in print from the ASH Start-Up Center.

If you have any questions about the publication or about start-up support at ASH in general, please contact the ASHEXIST project team:

For general questions about the Career Service, where the ASHEXIST project is located, and for career advice, please contact:

The complete offer of the Career Service can also be found on our flyer.