Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin invites you to its anniversary conference in Berlin-Hellersdorf
Scientists from various disciplines publish call for action against the "daycare crisis"
By decision of the Academic Senate, the façade is changed every 5 years by a contribution from the circle of Poetry Prize winners
Experts from the fields of social work, health & care and education shed light on various dimensions of anti-Semitism
The Hungarian researcher is honored for her commitment to combating discrimination against marginalized groups, especially Rom*nja
ASH Berlin is the first university to enable enrolment under new conditions and invites students to an informative 'Nursing Student Day'.
Study social work part-time and online-supported
Topic: Inclusive all-day schools as a place of multiprofessional teaching and learning
"The years of effort are now becoming clearly visible."
Wissenschaftler_innen von fünf Bildungsinstitutionen arbeiten gemeinsam in dem BMBF-geförderten Verbundprojekt