Historical Social Work in the Women's Movement

About the Role of Historical Social Work in the Women's Movement: A Donated Photo Album and the German Academy for Social and  Educational Women's Work

Project duration: 01/03/2018 - 28/02/2019

Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Sabine Toppe

Project staff: Sarah Day, Carina Huestegge (associate member)


As part of the project, Alice Salomon's unique photo album of important figures of social work as well as personal dedications and depictions of specific educational situations will be saved from decay. All interested users will be able to access the album digitally on the Internet. Furthermore, the files of the German Academy of Social and Educational Women's Work are completely digitised and, as far as possible, made accessible for research purposes in the META catalogue and the portal of the Digital German Women's Archive (DDF). In addition, a classification for the META catalogue is to be created. Digitisation creates simple access to the history and meaning of social work as a women's profession within the first women's movement. This stimulates a discussion of the topic and provides important visual themes for a deeper understanding.

The aim of the project is to make visible the importance of the development of social work as a (women's) profession in the context of the women's movement. This is carried out through appropriate topic, actor and person-specific essays for the DDF portal. In addition, the network representation of the DDF portal will be used to create the most complete representation of figures in the circle of Alice Salomon.

Funding: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)

Keywords:  Women's Movement, Social Work as a Women's Profession, History of Social Work, Alice Salomon, German Academy for Social and Educational Women's Work