International Day

Due to the pandemic, our International Day could not take place since 2020. However, we're optimistic for the future and we look forward to a colourful and inspiring real-life event with international students, guests from partner universities - and with you! Details will be published here on time.

International Day 2019

On June 19th 2019, exchange students, students of the ASH, university members and numerous other guests got together in the courtyard of the ASH Berlin once again to celebrate the International Day 2019.

Just like in previous years, exchange students offered culinary highlights at lovingly prepared stands representing their respective home countries. The students from Taiwan, Switzerland, Denmark, Turkey and Spain prepared some local delicacies and offered plenty of first-hand information on their countries and universities.

This year’s international invitees Christophe Texier from the ESSSE Lyon and Claudia Pauzenberger from the MCI Innsbruck provided insightful information on their universities as well as delicious treats from France and Austria.

Apart from trying snacks and absorbing all the new information, the guests were also able to show off their knowledge by solving entertaining quiz questions on international exchange and the students’ home countries. In a lively report, a student who had already done an internship abroad, shared her experiences inspiring others to also take this step.

In the afternoon, the official program ended with the screening of a short film on the visit of an ASH delegation in Gambia in spring 2019.

The International Day 2019 came to an end at the international regulars’ table at the bar “Lerchen&Eulen” in Kreuzberg.

We’re already looking forward to the International Day 2020! 

International Day 2018

On 13 June, 2018, the International Office, exchange students, members of the university and representatives of different exchange organisations decked out the courtyard of the ASH Berlin for the university’s sixth International Day. Incoming students from various countries represented their universities at their info tables, where interested students received an inside on their countries’ culinary scene as well as some cultural curiosities. Beautiful pictures and reports from some of our destination countries were the background for lively, cheery chats and conversations about culture, studies and practical experiences in Europe and the world over.

The motto of the event was, “It’s a match – meet our partner universities!” and we were delighted to welcome our guests, Dalma Kovács and Kristina Urbanc, from our new partner institutions in Hungary and Croatia. Lisa Müller and Daniela Wirz, two representatives from our long term partner, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), also made the journey to Berlin and rustled up enthusiasm for their exciting Social Work programmes in Zurich.

Exchange students prepared lovingly decorated information displays with, for example, variations of the classic Spanish tortilla, unbelievably tasty Irish scones and guessing games at the Lithuania stand, which was voted by ASH students as their favourite table. Flyers, booklets and brochures from over 100 countries impressed students with myriad possibilities for an experience abroad. The day closed with a beginners’ Croatian crash course, where participants could also get eager to depart for new horizons.

International Day 2017

This year the motto 'Meet the neighbours' brought together exchange students, guests from our partner universities, ASH students and other university members to celebrate our annual International Day for the fifth time! For the first time however, we could make use of the wonderful weather and so we gathered in the courtyard of the ASH Berlin. This year, we additionally had another special reason to party: 30 years of Erasmus+, 30 years of #movingEurope! Happy Birthday Erasmus+!

As every year, our incoming students prepared yummy specialities from their home countries, fun facts and little games to entertain students and other guests. Among the highlights were the Finnish 'wife-carrying-competition', fresh Dutch waffles and Argentinian mate tea. The Spanish table however must have exceeded our guests' expectations since they voted for it as the most beautiful country table. Therefore, at the end of the day our four Spanish exchange students received a lovingly prepared gift basket as a thank you for their hard work.

Our colleagues from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and the FH Johanneum as well as our very own International Office staff prepared info sessions to inform ASH students about their possibilities to go abroad, for either a study semester or an internship. Especially our Dutch crash course attracted many visitors. Participants did not just have the possibility to dive into the basics of small talk but also into Dutch culture. Our Dutch teacher introduced us to the wonderful music of singer-songwriter Renee van Bavel.

International Day 2016

On our fourth International Day in June 2016 we welcomed ASH students and other guests with: välkommen, velkommen and tervetuloa! Our focus was - you guessed it right - Scandinavia!

As in the previous years the Audimax - our biggest lecture hall - was transformed into an international marketplace. Our incoming students prepared Swedish flower wreaths, Finnish and Turkish pastries and entertained guests with Lithuanian word plays and an Irish knowledge test. As every year guests voted for the best country table, this year's winner was Mexico with its colourful celebration of Día de Muertos!

As invited guests, colleagues from Sweden and Denmark presented our partner universities, the VIA University College and Stockholm University. To already prepare students who by now have been sold on the idea of a study semester in Scandinavia, the ASH Berlin invited its students to a Swedish crash course before ending the day in a Berlin bar with our international regulars' table.

International Day 2015

This year in November 2015, our motto 'Meet the world!' brought together incoming students from 9 countries, invited guests from the Institut Français and the Ranke-Heinemann Institute and ASH students into the Audimax of the ASH Berlin for the International Day 2015! With its 20 country tables and information desks our third International Day was a complete success attracting around 300 guests.

For the second time, guests of the International Day were able to vote for the best country tables and therefore could decide which three incoming teams would receive a reward for their hard and creative work. This year's first prize went to Turkey - Columbia and Romania had to share the second place.

In information sessions the International Office staff of the ASH Berlin not just presented various possibilities to go abroad but also invited students who have already taken this step to share their experiences with the audience.

Right after the 'Turkish for beginners' crash course (which is also the title of a German-produced TV show), participants had the chance to practice their newly learned Turkish vocabulary in a Berlin bar in Neukölln.

International Day 2014

13 November 2014, a chaotic mix of languages is buzzing through the hallways of ASH Berlin - it is time to 'Meet the world!' For the second time, the International Office of the ASH Berlin asked its incoming students to be creative and prepare an information table about their country of origin and their home universities. Our guests were spoiled with delicious Colombian and Swiss specialities and entertained with a country quiz. Our goal: inspire ASH students and staff to go abroad and experience a foreign country as someone living, studying and working in it!

Apart from information sessions, where the International Office staff presented various ways to go abroad (internship or study abroad), our partner university the Høgskolen I Oslo Og Akershus (HiOA) introduced itself.

To reward our committed incoming students for their hard and creative work, the International Office staff prepared three prizes for the best three incoming teams. Every guest was asked to vote for their favourite country table so that at the end of our International Day, Switzerland was awarded the first, Turkey the second and Colombia the third prize! To celebrate the success of the International Day and to get to know each other a little better the event was moved to a Berlin bar in Neukölln for the rest of the evening. 

International Day 2013

On 7 November 2013, the International Office organised, for the first time, the International Day. With the goal of motivating students to go abroad and to use the opportunities provided by the Erasmus+ programme and the DAAD, the International Office staff invited its incoming students, colleagues from partner universities and external mobility organisations and asked them to supply as much information as possible to give you, ASH students, an adequate picture of a stay abroad.

At the same time the International Day of course is an opportunity to get to know each other - so ASH students and international students, ASH staff and international staff got together and shared their experiences in Berlin and in the world. To strengthen this 'getting together' effect, the International Office staff invited not only ASH and incoming students to a comfy bar at the end of the day, but also challenged ASH students with a tricky quiz to get to know the home countries and universities of the incoming students. The sought-after prize: a beautiful scratch map as a form of a to-do/to-go-to list.