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Professionalisation of Early Childhood Education: Convergent, Discriminant and Prognostic Validation of "KomMa" Models and Tools

Project duration: 01/03/2016 - 31/12/2018

Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Corinna Schmude

Project staff: Dr. Aljoscha Jegodtka


The ability to stimulate early mathematical education processes in children is a central requirement of the professional practice of early childhood educators, which should be laid down in their course of study. The project "Pro-KomMa" is a research project in cooperation with the Humboldt-Universität Berlin and the University of Oslo, which deals with the development of competences of prospective early childhood educators to stimulate early mathematical education processes. To this end, the project partners are pursuing two goals: Firstly, the test methods developed in the predecessor project “KomMa" are to be validated. Secondly, the competency model developed in the predecessor project will be reviewed. The subproject, which is based at the ASH Berlin, investigates the performance of aspiring early educational specialists in Berlin in the initiation of early mathematical education processes. The assessed performance is set in relation to the competence profiles created in the subprojects of the Humboldt-Universität and Freie Universität Berlin in order to generate explanatory knowledge on the practice of early childhood educators in mathematical interaction processes between specialist and child.

Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Keywords: Skills Development, Early Childhood Educators, Early Mathematical Education

Contact: Dr. Aljoscha Jegodtka, jegodtka@ash-berlin.eu

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