On this page, we aim to provide a platform and visibility for the diverse and exciting startup ideas and innovative social entrepreneurship projects of our (former) university members. In doing so, we also seek to foster networking and exchange among them.
We are pleased to offer an insight into our growing startup network here. Our network includes, among others, our scholarship recipients, program participants, founders, as well as supporters such as our speakers and mentors.
Would you like to showcase yourself and your idea or project here and become part of our community? Then get in touch with us!
Here, founders and self-employed individuals with a university connection introduce themselves. Most are (part-time) self-employed in the social and healthcare sectors or in the field of social entrepreneurship. Check out their profiles to see how they came up with their ideas, what motivates them, and get inspired!
Jasmin Brückner

Idea: Spoken word artist, copywriter, and workshop leader for biographical and creative writing
Field: Intersection of art, media, communication, and social pedagogy
Degree: M.A. Biographical and Creative Writing
Mira Rühl

Idea: Transformative physiotherapy process & group yoga
Field: Health
Degree: M.Sc. Management and Quality Development in Healthcare
Marielle Raupach

Idea: Speech therapy practice
Field: Health, therapeutic services
Degree: B.Sc. Management and Care in Healthcare
Mascha Eckhardt

Idea: Coaching, training, and mentoring for individuals, groups, and teams in crises, conflict, stress phases, and transitional situations
Field: Positive psychology, health
Degree: B.A. Social Work
Frances Thiessen

Ideas: Learning with paws and Literary Neighborhood Center
Field: Education, culture, and learning
Degree: M.A. Biographical and Creative Writing
Philipp Beischau

Idea: Youth welfare organization
Field: Outpatient youth welfare
Degree: B.A. Social Work
Nicola Buciak

Idea: A space for children and families to promote mental and physical health
Field: Education and learning
Degree: B.A. Early Childhood Education
Guncha Agayeva

Idea: Daily assistance for seniors, "wecare"
Field: Health and nursing
Degree: B.Sc. Management and Care in Healthcare
Melisa Kalayci

Idea: A shared living space for children and adolescents with cancer, aimed at promoting their reintegration into daily life and preventing long-term effects
Field: Health, social work, education, learning
Degree: Management and Care in Healthcare
EXIST-Women Participants
The EXIST-Women funding line, initiated by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), supports university-based women interested in entrepreneurship in the pre-startup phase.
At ASH, we address both women who are considering whether self-employment could be a professional option for them and women who want to further develop and validate an existing idea. Here are some of our past participants.

Idee: Alltags- und Pflegebegleitung für ältere Menschen
Aktueller Stand: Ideenphase
Studiengang an der ASH: Management und Versorgung im Gesundheitswesen (Bachelor)
Im Programm: 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2024

Idee: Beratung und Unterstützungsangebote für Frauen, die aus dem portugiesischen Sprachraum nach Deutschland kommen
Aktueller Stand: Ideenphase
Studiengang an der ASH: Soziale Arbeit (Bachelor)
Im Programm: 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2024

Idee: Spoken Word Künstlerin, Texterin, Workshopleitung
Aktueller Stand: Aufbau einer Vollselbständigkeit und Profilschärfung
Studiengang an der ASH: Biografisches und Kreatives Schreiben (Master)
Im Programm: 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2024

Idee: Gründung einer Kita
Aktueller Stand: Ideenphase
Studiengang an der ASH: Erziehung und Bildung in der Kindheit (Bachelor)
Im Programm: 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2024

Idee: Vermittlungsagentur für ausländische Fachkräfte im Gesundheitsbereich
Aktueller Stand: Ideenphase
Studiengang an der ASH: Gesundheits- und Pflegemanagement (Bachelor)
Im Programm: 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2024

Idee: Wohngruppe für krebserkrankte Jugendliche
Aktueller Stand: Ideenphase
Studiengang an der ASH: Management und Versorgung im Gesundheitswesen (Bachelor)
Im Programm: 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2024

Idee: Physiotherapie und Yoga
Aktueller Stand: Aufbau einer Vollselbständigkeit und Profilschärfung
Studiengang an der ASH: Management und Qualitätsentwicklung im Gesundheitswesen (Master)
Im Programm: 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2024

Idee: Tiergestützte Begleitangebote als Pädagogik-Hund-Team; Schreibpädagogin
Aktueller Stand: Ideenphase
Studiengang an der ASH: Biografisches und Kreatives Schreiben (Master)
Im Programm: 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2024

Idee: Wohngruppe für krebserkrankte Jugendliche
Aktueller Stand: Ideenphase
Studiengang an der ASH: Management und Versorgung im Gesundheitswesen (Bachelor)
Im Programm: 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2024