Das Gründer*innenzentrum bietet gemeinsam mit dem ein vielseitiges kostenloses Veranstaltungsprogramm für Studierende, Alumni und Mitarbeitende der ASH Berlin an.
Final Event of the ASHEXIST Project & EXIST-Women Program (2023-2024)
To reflect on the past and look toward the future of the Startup Center, we warmly invite members of the university as well as external guests to our final event "Towards a SAGE Startup Culture: Empowerment, Opportunities, Diversity" on October 30, 2024, at ASH Berlin.
The Startup Center, in collaboration with the Career Service, offers a diverse range of free events for students, alumni, and staff of ASH Berlin.
The program includes a variety of formats (such as workshops, seminars, live talks, networking, and informational events) and can broadly be categorized into the following areas:
- Startups/Self-employment in the social, health, and educational sectors
- Career qualification trainings
- Career opportunities & perspectives
Upon request, a certificate of attendance can be issued for participation in an event. The complete event program (in German) can be downloaded here or accessed via the Career Service website.
Veranstaltungsprogramm WiSe 2024-25
Please note that registration for events is only possible for ASH Berlin students and alumni via our career portal, JobTeaser. A free registration is available here. Further information on the portal and how to register can be found summarized here
Upon request via email, we may also open our events to external guests. If you have any questions regarding our events or would like to register as an external participant, simply contact us at:
Co-Working Sessions
We aim to foster and strengthen the networking and exchange between university members with project ideas and startup initiatives. For this purpose, we are testing this new format during the winter semester.
Startup Center Events
Events from the Network
- The Gründerinnenzentrale aims to provide orientation, information, and networking opportunities for women looking to become self-employed. Once a month, they offer a founders' breakfast and a digital founders' roundtable. Additionally, themed evenings take place, during which up to five ASH students can participate free of charge per event. You can register via JobTeaser.
- deGUT is Germany's largest startup trade fair and a key event for self-employment and business management. This year, deGUT will once again take place on October 11 and 12, 2024, at ARENA Berlin. The extensive program includes seminars and workshops, and in the consultation forum, founders can receive direct advice from experts on topics ranging from business startup to legal and tax matters.
- The Business Plan Competition Berlin-Brandenburg (BPW) is Germany's largest regional startup initiative. For over 20 years, BPW has been supporting entrepreneurs from all sectors in developing business concepts, thereby promoting successful and sustainable company foundations in Berlin or Brandenburg. All BPW offers and services are free of charge. BPW offers numerous seminars, webinars, and workshops on all startup-related topics, from building a business plan to the canvas model.
- Entrepreneurship Summit – This year's Entrepreneurship Summit will take place on October 12 and 13, 2024, at FU Berlin. With over 100 experts from all areas of entrepreneurship, the organizers aim to show that the economy can be done differently, and better. The summit is organized by the non-profit Entrepreneurship Foundation of Prof. Faltin.