Full-time course
The required higher education entrance qualification is either an “Abitur” (general university entry qualification) or “Fachabitur” (specialist entry qualification for university of applied sciences).
If you have a different school leaving certificate, you can apply in accordance with Section 11 of the Berlin Higher Education Act (Berliner Hochschulgesetz - BerlHG) subject to certain conditions.
Applicants who are not from a Fachoberschule für Sozialwesen (2-jährige Form) must show in their application that they have completed an pre-training internship (minimum 462 hours) at a daycare centre, preschool, or elementary school where qualified ecucators are also employed.
An au-pair job does not count as an internship!
Further information you can find here: Merkblatt praxisbezogene Vorbildung.
Application Deadline runs from 01.06. to 15.07 and 01.12. to 15.01.
Information for prospective students from abroad:
The admission requirements outlined above also apply to students from abroad.
You will also need a residence permit for the purpose of studying (Aufenthaltsbewilligung für Studienzwecke) to comply with the Aliens Act. The German embassy in your country can provide you with more information. All prospective students from abroad must successfully pass the language examination to prove sufficient mastery of the German language. Some universities and institutions of higher learning administer offer this examination, however, ASH Berlin does not.
For further information about the application procedure please check our German website.