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The Topic of Diverse Gender and Sexual Modes of Living in Education – Didactic Potentials and Challenges in Museum Educational Approaches

Project duration: 01/04/2016 - 31/12/2018

Principal investigators: Prof. Dr. Jutta Hartmann (ASH Berlin), Prof. Dr. Tobias Nettke (HTW Berlin)

Project staff: Mart Busche (ASH Berlin), Uli Streib-Brzič (HTW Berlin)


From 2015 to 2020, the Youth Museum Berlin realizes the model project “ALL INCLUDED - Museum and School for sexual and gender diversity”, which aims at working with children and youth on the variety of sexual and gendered ways of living using formats of museum education. This particular educational setting offers great opportunities for studying capacities, challenges and approaches which accompany the teaching-learning-setting and processes with regards to contents and methods. Therefore the research project VieL*Bar aims at exploring the unique potential of “ALL INCLUDED” in order to utilize it for a scientifically informed professionalization of educational work. The empirical approach will be realized by triangulating qualitative methods, at the same time a participatory approach of action research allows for a direct qualitative improvement of the pedagogical work that is examined. VieL*Bar aims at generating new insights in the field of social, political and museological education.

Funding: Berlin Institute for Applied Research - Institut für angewandte Forschung Berlin (IFAF Berlin)

Key words: Gender, Sexuality, Museum, Youth, School

Mart Busche, viel*bar@ avoid-unrequested-mailsash-berlin.eu

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