Drei Studierende des Master of Arts Studiengangs Gestión de Conflictos Interculturales sitzen an einem Tisch und unterhalten sich.

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Our study programmes


University Life Redesign of the south façade of ASH Berlin by writer Maxi Obexer

Maxi Obexer, die Jury des Alice Salomon Poetik Preises und Jörg van den Berg vor der Fassade der Hochschule, im Hintergrund die Gedenktafeln mit den Werken von Eugen Gomringer und Barbara Köhler

By decision of the Academic Senate, the façade is changed every 5 years by a contribution from the circle of Poetry Prize winners

Study, Postgraduate Master Extended application deadline for international Master's degree program

Apply now for the Intercultural Conflict Management degree program!

University Life Germany Scholarship

Are you looking for support to finance your studies? Then apply now for one of the three scholarships!

People Teacher of the Year: Another award for IGo degree program

Claudia Czernik and André Heinz, lecturers on the Interprofessional Healthcare - online (IGo) course, take first and second place.

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Thursday, 19.09.2024 | 12:00 Conference Anniversary conference 20 years of childhood education degree programs

Auf dem Foto sind viele Hände zu sehen die einen Zollstock festhalten.

The conference is aimed at child education practitioners, educational policy stakeholders, graduates, students and specialist/teaching staff.

Thu, 19.09.2024 | 17:24 ONLINE, Health Digital Salon 2024: Interprofessional expertise

Working collaboratively in varying healthcare teams with Prof. Dr. Simone van Kampen

Wed, 16.10.2024 | 10:00 Information event, Social work Info event for internship semesters and internships abroad

Questions about the internship semester and internships abroad? Come to the information event at Minimax!

Thu, 28.11.2024 | 17:30 ONLINE, Health Digital Salon 2024: Transformation of the practice

New interprofessional approaches in healthcare practice - exchange on successful practical examples

All Events

University Life, Learning & Teaching Geschütztere Räume etablieren

Eine Couch und eine Pflanze in indirektem Licht einer Stehlampe bilden eine Idee eines Sozialen Wohnzimmers.

Mit geschützteren Räumen an der ASH Berlin gegen sexualisierte Diskriminierung und Gewalt. Vorüberlegungen für ein Schutzkonzept.

Changeover "You can also make progress when sledging without snow."

Interview: Marielle Raupach, speech therapist and ASH alumna of the Healthcare Management degree program

Changeover "Go your own way and question everything!"

Lena Stoehr(faktor), rapper, social worker and alumna of ASH Berlin in an interview with Prof. Dr. Claudia Winkelmann

Learning & Teaching Climate Challenge has started!

Try out more climate-friendly practices for a month and learn more about structural sustainability transformations.