The Hungarian researcher is honored for her commitment to combating discrimination against marginalized groups, especially Rom*nja
A journey through the development of social work - using interactive maps, historical photos and documents, and quotes.
Solidarity alliance with participation of university teachers Care-Initiative (HSL-Care-Ini) and AStA of ASH Berlin plans demonstration
Study social work part-time and online-supported
University, practice and public administration ensure rapid and safe help for families in the district
His presentation focuses on the interface of criminal law and social work with an emphasis on juvenile delinquency
Silke Gahleitner und Rita Hansjürgens sprechen im DGSA.podcast über das Thema Beziehungen und Soziale Arbeit
Vier Akteur*innen berichten in einer Podcast-Reihe aus der Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit
Befragt wurden knapp 1.000 akut wohnungslose erwachsene Menschen in 69 Einrichtungen der Diakonischen Wohnungslosen- und Straffälligenhilfe