University life Campus Transferale „Meeting in the center of the periphery“

The Campus Transferale team invites university members, neighborhoods and cooperation partners to a festival on Alice-Salomon-Platz

Campus Transferale „Meeting in the center of the periphery“


Campus Transferale / ASH Berlin

What is needed for a lively city center? We want to try this out together!

Whether students, lecturers or employees of the university, whether residents or initiatives from the district - everyone is invited to bring their own ideas from their contexts, seminars, networks or projects, to enliven the square with us, to shape it or simply to be there.

All formats should be a moment or a place of encounter, an invitation to meet and linger. A raised bed labyrinth? A science slam? A poetry slam? A participatory theater? Or a snipping disco and cooking together with recipes from all over the world?

Wednesday, June 19, 2023
all day into the evening
Thursday, June 20
until noon - followed by a joint celebration in the courtyard at the ASH summer party.

at various locations, benches and stages

For concrete planning on how your seminar or idea can become part of the festival on 19 and 20 June, please contact us with any questions or requests:
Elène Misbach: misbach@
Jan Quetting: quetting@