Online information evening for parents about studying and applying to ASH Berlin

The student advisory service informs parents of students in grades 10-13 about courses of study, financing and application procedures, for example.

Online information evening for parents about studying and applying to ASH Berlin



ASH Berlin invites parents of students (grades 10-13) to find out more about studying in the fields of social work, health and education.

The information evening will take place online as part of the Study Info Days on Wednesday, May 29 from 7-8 pm.

Participation link

Our student advisory service will provide information on the following topics:

  • Study programs
  • Application procedure and admission requirements
  • Organization of studies
  • Support and counseling services (e.g. decision advice, social counseling, student financing, study and family / job / chronic illness / disability)

Parents can then ask questions.

Pupils who would like to get to know the university themselves are invited to the open day on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


to the program of the study information days

Questions? Please get in touch: