ONLINE, Workshop Preventing and dealing with sexualized discrimination and violence: training for teachers

A training course for employees and teachers as part of the development of a protection concept for sexualized discrimination and violence.

Die Zeichnung von vier Frauen, die von hinten zu sehen sind mit dem Schriftzug "Together against Violence"
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Preventing and dealing with sexualized discrimination and violence: training for teachers

online über ZOOM

Intersectional Practice und Transformation

According to the UniSAFE study, almost one in three university employees experience sexualized harassment at university. 9% of all employees have experienced sexual harassment in the last three years, primarily in health and social services, according to the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency. Awareness-raising and education are needed to create a safe working and study environment. The training course clarifies basic terminology and the legal framework for protection against sexual harassment, uses interactive methods to show perspectives for action to support those affected and provides information about counseling and complaints structures at ASH.

The training is aimed at professors, lecturers, honorary staff, academic staff and employees from technology, service and administration at ASH Berlin and is free of charge.

The course takes place online via ZOOM in German spoken language. The training will be conducted by Peps Gutsche and Philippa Peters.

Please register at