20 years of childhood education courses

Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin invites you to its anniversary conference in Berlin-Hellersdorf

Early childhood education and care system in Germany on the brink of collapse

Scientists from various disciplines publish call for action against the "daycare crisis"

University Life Redesign of the south façade of ASH Berlin by writer Maxi Obexer

By decision of the Academic Senate, the façade is changed every 5 years by a contribution from the circle of Poetry Prize winners

Lecture series of the Berlin SAGE universities: Anti-Semitism in the social, educational and health sectors

Experts from the fields of social work, health & care and education shed light on various dimensions of anti-Semitism

People ASH Berlin presents Alice Salomon Award to social work pioneer Anna Csongor

The Hungarian researcher is honored for her commitment to combating discrimination against marginalized groups, especially Rom*nja

Study, Health Act to Strengthen Nursing Studies regulates remuneration for nursing students

ASH Berlin is the first university to enable enrolment under new conditions and invites students to an informative 'Nursing Student Day'.

Social Work University network BASA-online celebrates 20 years of success

Study social work part-time and online-supported

Early Childhood Education 1st Berlin Educators' Day: 400 future professionals in exchange

Topic: Inclusive all-day schools as a place of multiprofessional teaching and learning

University Life Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin celebrates topping-out ceremony for the new extension building

"The years of effort are now becoming clearly visible."

Forschungsprojekt zum (post-)kolonialen Erbe Sozialer Arbeit gestartet

Wissenschaftler_innen von fünf Bildungsinstitutionen arbeiten gemeinsam in dem BMBF-geförderten Verbundprojekt