Before leaving Berlin

Before you leave Berlin at the end of your semester at ASH Berlin, there are some things you need to take care of. You will receive a detailed e-mail at the end of your semester reminding you of the following steps and we will also organise an info meeting for all students.

Exam registration and grades / confirmation of course attendance

If you are doing an exam in a course or in a module, you need to sign up for the exam online via LSF . Exam registrations via LSF will open approx. six weeks after the start of the semester – and will be available until the end of the semester. Depending on your study programme, you can sign up for all or most of your exams via LSF. Kindly use our step-by-step manual for exchange students about how to register for exams

As soon as your teachers graded your final exam (e.g. your presentation or your essay), they will enter the grade into LSF where you’ll be able to access it. Please give your teachers at least three to four weeks time to read and grade your paper. Some teachers may be on holidays during the semester break so please talk to them about your grades early on.

If you're only attending a course, but you're not doing an exam, you do not need to sign up for the exam. Your teachers will simply confirm your participation online via LSF after you've fulfilled the possibly required attendance requirements.

End-of-semester meeting

Before the end of your semester at ASH Berlin, you are required to attend a mandatory end-of-semester meeting with International Office staff during which we will ask you for your feedback, help you with any questions concerning exam registration and talk about the organisation of your Transcript of Records. The exact date will be published in the Moodle course for exchange students.

Please make sure to send us all necessary documents for the completion of your semester. These documents will be available in our Moodle course for exchange students.

Certificate of stay

Please contact your home university to find out if you need a certificate of stay (also called "certificate of attendance", "confirmation of departure" or "duration sheet") on which we confirm the start and end date of your academic period at ASH Berlin. Your start date will be the first day of our orientation days, your end date will be your last course session according to LSF. If you need a certificate of stay, please ask your home university for the necessary form (each university or national Erasmus+ agency may have their own template for that) and e-mail it to us. Please note that we can only sign your certificate after the end of your stay.

Transcript of Records

During your individual end-of-semester meeting, we will talk about the Transcript of Records in detail. Please fill out the Transcript check list and e-mail it to us BEFORE attending the meeting.

As a general rule, please know that the earlier you hand in your papers or exams, the earlier we will receive your grades and the earlier we can issue your transcript. Please give your lecturers at least three to four weeks' time to read and mark your paper. Some lecturers are on holidays during the semester break so please talk to your lecturers about your grades early on. Note that you can only receive your Transcript of Records after having completed the de-enrolment process (see below).


On 31 March for the winter term or on 30 September for the summer term, we will de-enrol you from ASH Berlin. After that date, you will no longer be able to use your ASH account or any other ASH services (e.g. Moodle). If you would like to keep any of the documents or presentations from your Moodle courses, make sure to download them before your de-enrolment.
In order to complete the de-enrolment process, please fill out the de-enrolment form, sign digitally and e-mail it to us. You can check out our "How to_de-enrolment" manualto see how to fill out the form.

If you wish to study in Germany again at a later point, you will need a de-enrolment certificate from ASH Berlin. We will issue one for you on demand.

De-registration from the Bürgeramt and from the broadcasting fee

One week before moving out of your apartment, you have to de-register from the Bürgeramt.  If you do not de-register you may risk problems when you enter Germany again at a later point. You can do this via regular mail (not e-mail) and send the form to the Bürgeramt where you registered.You can find the necessary form on the homepage of the Bürgerämter. If you are unsure about how to fill out the Bürgeramt Abmeldung, just have a look at our guide. Please keep your deregistration certificate from the Citizens' Registration Office.

If you had to register your apartment for the public broadcasting fee (Rundfunkgebühr), you also need to de-register from that. You can do this on the website of the Rundfunkgebührand again, please feel free to use our guide if you're unsure about how to do it. If you do not de-register, you may have to pay late fees for all the months since your registration in Germany whenever you re-enter the country. A deregistration certificate from the Citizens' Registration Office is required to deregister from the broadcasting fee.