Language requirements and language courses

The general minimum requirement for a semester abroad at ASH Berlin is level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in German or English, depending on the language of instruction.
You must provide proof of your language level with your application at your home university. No specific tests are required. If you have been selected by your home university for a semester abroad at ASH Berlin, we assume that you have proven to have the required language level.

The majority of courses offered at ASH Berlin is taught in German. English courses (for exchange students) are only available in Social Work within the International Curriculum. Advanced German and/or English language skills are thus an important requirement for a successful stay in Berlin and at ASH Berlin.

Students wishing to do an internship in Berlin, should be aware of the fact that English or non-German internship positions are very limited in number, since working in the field of social work, education and care often also involves communication with clients, official institutions, filling out forms etc. German language skills  of at least B1 / intermediate level will thus greatly enhance your chances to find an internship.


German language courses during the semester

ASH Berlin offers free German language courses during the semester for all students, usually at the levels A1, A2 and B1. Further information about the German courses during the current semester will be given to you during the Orientation days and is available on the website of the ASH Berlin language department.

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Other language courses

ASH Berlin also offers a number of other free foreign language courses such as English, Turkish and Spanish. The study programmes Social Work, Early Childhood Education as well as Health and Care Management also feature extra English courses (e.g. English for Social Workers, called "Fachenglisch"). If you wish to attend these, you need to take a placement test before the start of the semester. Please be aware that some topics will also be explained in German in these courses.

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Language tandem

Another great way to learn German or other foreign languages outside the classroom and make new friends is the language tandem programme organised by the International Office. In a language tandem, two people with different mother tongues meet and teach their native language and learn the other language at the same time. All interested students can register for the tandem programme in our Moodle course "Sprachtandems / Language tandem". Please log in to Moodle with your ASH student ID number and self-enrol to the course using the password "tandem".