Drei Studierende des Master of Arts Studiengangs Gestión de Conflictos Interculturales sitzen an einem Tisch und unterhalten sich.

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News University contracts 2024 - 2028 signed

Gruppenfoto mit den Präsidentinnen und Präsidenten und Rektorinnen und Rektoren der Berliner Universitäten und Hochschulen sowie Wissenschaftssenatorin Dr. Ina Czyborra und ihrem Team.

Basic funding will increase by five percent annually over the next five years

News March 8 - International Women's Day

Statement from the Women's* and Equal Opportunities Officer at ASH Berlin

Study ASH Berlin publishes AI guideline

The guideline creates a framework for dealing with generative artificial intelligence in studies and teaching.

Research Start of a new digitization project at the Alice Salomon Archive

The archive's complete photo collection is digitized. Digital German Women's Archive supports the project.

All News


Thursday, 25.04.2024 | 12:30 University life How do we design the south façade of the university?

Picture of the university with south facade showing Barbara Köhler's poem

Poetry award winners Christoph Szalay and Maxi Obexer present their first proposals

Mon, 22.04.2024 | 18:00 Information event Online information events from the BA Interprofessional Healthcare

Would you like to find out more about the IGo degree program? Then take part in our online consultation.

Thu, 25.04.2024 | 17:00 University life Educational justice - thinking globally

Zwischenraum TRANSIT, Part 1: Education (no) limitation? or: Where are the limits of the right to education? A public discussion.

Mon, 29.04.2024 | 10:00 ONLINE, Information event Information event on the ASH Pre-Study Program (2024/25 intake)

The free, qualifying program is aimed at international and refugee prospective students.

All Events

Changeover "Blueprint for a SAGE perspective on the link between the climate crisis and child welfare"

ASH-Teilnehmende des Fachtags "Klimakrise und Kindeswohlgefährdung" stehen neben einem Roll-up vom DBSH auf dem steht "Wir setzen Maßstäbe in der Sozialen Arbeit".

Representatives of ASH Berlin took part in the symposium "Climate crisis and child welfare risks" organized by the German Professional Association for Social Work.

People Cheerful, helpful and highly committed to students

Obituary for Prof. Horst Plickert, Professor of Law at ASH Berlin from 1971 to 2003

Learning & Teaching In the writing workshop with Maxi Obexer

or: Why reality demands different literary forms

People Nachruf auf Prof.in Dr.in Maren Stamer

* 2. August 1965 ­ † 27. Dezember 2023