University life Educational justice - thinking globally

Zwischenraum TRANSIT, Part 1: Education (no) limitation? or: Where are the limits of the right to education? A public discussion.

Several people hold a banner during a demonstration. It reads "Education no limitation, free access to education for refugees"

Educational justice - thinking globally

Foyer ASH Berlin

Campus Transferale - Transfer_Hub

In July 2023, the „Zwischenräume“ project addressed the topics of „social inequality“, „educational justice“ and „participation“, particularly in a local context, with the screening of the film „Kalle Kosmonaut“.
For many, however, the question now arises: whose qualifications count and who is left out? And how is it that the qualifications of people from the Global South are generally devalued, systematically blocking access? Who defines access and what do class and gender have to do with it?

To discuss this further, the project invites you to join several speakers to discuss the topic of „Educational justice - thinking globally“ in the canteen of the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences.

Public discussion with Selma Alaabed (ASH student), Bino Byansi Byakuleka (former RadioWeAreBornFree!), Mohammed Jouni (Jugendliche ohne Grenzen e.V./ ASH lecturer), Nadine Katabogama (LaLoka), Paula Maether (ASH guest lecturer), Saeed Kalanaki (ASH Pre-Studies), moderated by Andrea Plöger (ASH professor).

The discussion is part of „Zwischenräume. Revitalization of Campus and District“ in the Campus Transferale - Transfer_Hub project.