ONLINE, Information event Study information day 29.05.2024 DIGITAL

Looking for the right Master's degree program or already have professional experience? Get advice online at the study information day.

Study information day 29.05.2024 DIGITAL


ASH Berlin

You can look forward to taster lectures, course presentations, information events and personal advice. Our DIGITAL study information day will take place online on Tuesday, 29.05.2024 from 5-8 pm. The offers on this day are aimed in particular at experienced professionals and people who are looking for a Master's degree program in the fields of social work, health or education.

Registration is not necessary.

To the program

By the way: We are already inviting school pupils to the on-site study information day on 28.05.2024 from 10 am to 3 pm.

Until the study information days, you can also find out more about our study programs on our website and use the contact options and office hours listed there for your queries. You are also welcome to take a look at the digital offer of the Study Info Days now.


To our range of courses

You can find information on applying, study advice and our support services here.

Visit us today on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube and get to know us, the largest state SAGE university in Germany.