Mission Statement
ASH’s mission statement was developed by the commission for planning and development, in which all status groups were represented. It is the starting point for a comprehensive, forward-looking quality management at Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin.
Even after one hundred years the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences follows the tradition of the institutions created by its founder - the “Social School for Women” and the “German Academy for Social and Educational Women's work”. Reflecting the intentions of Alice Salomon, the founder of professional social work in Germany, it follows central principles such as multidisciplinarity, a close link of theory and practice and international orientation. The University continues to contribute to the further professionalisation of former women’s occupations in the social sector, in education, upbringing and health, and with its research focus it contributes to the advancement of the disciplines and links the different elements with one another in a productive way. Today, with an emancipatory aim, the University continues to be committed to the social mission of social justice and the critical examination of social developments.
All members of the University interact with one another in a respectful, open, fair and reliable way. Collaboration is characterised by competence, motivation and mutual support. Responsibilities, which are clearly regulated and understood thanks to organisational and decision-making structures, are respected. Persons with management functions perform these in a responsible, motivated, professional and cooperative manner. They enable and support democratic participation and encourage the professional development of staff. The university culture at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin is characterised by participation irrespective of status, which respects, uses, supports and promotes the competence of each person and respects equality and diversity.
The quality management of the University of Applied Sciences Berlin focuses on students and their academic success. The courses of study convey professional and social competence that qualify students for a successful career, promote political involvement and encourage personal growth. The professional qualifications of the lecturers and their didactic and communication skills are a key criterion for the quality of teaching. The classes and the curricula are regularly evaluated to assure the quality of the courses. Good teaching also necessitates high-quality study and teaching conditions, which are ensured by continuously improving the infrastructure and the service offerings.
Research is an integral part of the development of the University. The University of Applied Sciences Berlin promotes research activities of lecturers and research associates and supports the raising of third-party funds for research projects and international research cooperations. Students are involved in research projects and qualified to conduct independent research (up to doctoral level). The University of Applied Sciences Berlin is in continuous and productive dialogue with professional practice and thus ensures the application focus and practical relevance of its research activities. At the same time it contributes to the innovative development of professional practice.
The University of Applied Sciences Berlin promotes interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary student and lecturer competence in courses of study, research and the development of practical application and therefore appreciates the importance of multidisciplinary cooperation in the practical and research fields of social work, health and education and the need for interdisciplinary approaches to master cross-sectional tasks in society. The potential of the University for interdisciplinary learning, teaching and research is developed through teaching modules and projects across faculties and interdisciplinary research approaches and cooperation within the University and with external cooperation partners in research and practice. All programmes of study offered by the University of Applied Sciences Berlin are of equal value and their diversity is respected.
In its teaching, research and development of practice the University of Applied Sciences Berlin keeps abreast with international, social and scientific developments. At international level it cooperates with universities, practical institutions and associations and promotes exchange between students, lecturers and other staff members as well as international research projects. In study programmes with an international focus students are qualified for new, cross-border tasks and fields of practice. The acquisition and enhancement of foreign-language skills and intercultural competences are supported by a wide range of offers for all members.
The University of Applied Sciences Berlin encourages lifelong learning with the aim of increasing portability of the education system. This is why it also supports university access via alternative educational paths. It offers procedures for taking skills acquired outside the university system into account, recognising the fact that equivalent skills can be acquired at various places of learning and education. In dual Bachelor degree courses at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin professional training and academic education are linked, enabling continuous transitions. Master degree courses offer an opportunity for further qualification following an occupational practice phase or directly following on from a first degree. The University regards the continuing education of its graduates as one of its main tasks.
The University of Applied Sciences Berlin is committed to fairness and acceptance, and values personal diversity. With this in mind it encourages staff and collaborators to develop their personal talents. We are committed to equal opportunities. Gender mainstreaming and antidiscrimination work are important elements of everyday life at the University. A diversity concept that promotes the participation of all University members with equal rights and equal weighting is a matter of course. To do justice to social diversity, the University of Applied Sciences Berlin pursues and develops approaches sensitive to difference in research, teaching and professional practice and strengthens the representation and participation of ethnic minorities among students, lecturers and staff of the University.
The University of Applied Sciences Berlin supports all members of the University in achieving a balance between work and other areas of life. It helps them to assume social responsibility for their families and the people with whom they have close social ties. The University develops appropriate measures, instruments and strategies to ensure that this is realised.
As a health-promoting university, with the “settings” approach the University of Applied Sciences Berlin pursues the objective of a healthy structure for organisation, study and work whilst promoting healthy behaviour. The health promotion process is orientated to resources and potential, lifeworlds, everyday lives and the environment, supports social justice and promotes the participation of all members of the University.