In addition to teaching and research, transfer and "Third Mission" form an integral part of ASH Berlin and are directly anchored in the university’s Mission Statement. Our "Third Mission" encompasses all the activities and actions that involve taking social responsibility and are related to our two core tasks of teaching and research. The university engages itself to support social interests at the local level and interregionally by contributing the expertise of our professors. The involvement of non-academic partners and target groups from non-governmental organisations, municipalities, social and charitable organisations and business through dialogue supports the co-designing of research and teaching topics. Social engagement is a sub-area of our Third Mission – in addition to the areas of further education and the transfer of knowledge in research, studies and teaching – and is part of the "University commitment to social responsibility".
The Centre for Further Education offers opportunities for further education and networking to practitioners from the areas of health, education and social work. The exchange between academia and practice supports both sides and helps to advance the knowledge of the professors through the mutual transfer of knowledge between the university and practice.