About EmpA
Anti-racism and empowerment at ASH Berlin
The mission statement of the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences calls for respectful, open, fair and reliable interaction with one another. This aspiration is constantly challenged by social phenomena such as racism and discrimination. EmpA therefore aims to use an empowerment approach to make everyday life easier for students who have experienced racism and at the same time to improve the structural conditions for studying.
We listen and advise on experiences of racism. In line with the needs that students bring to us, we also offer various formats for getting to know each other, exchanging ideas and learning. EmpA is also involved in the internal organizational development process with a focus on racism and ableism and supports university staff in improving study conditions in a way that is critical of racism. Together with many committed members of the university, we want to influence the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences to become as racism-sensitive a place as possible.
Our Offers
Our empowerment offers and impulses for structural change are characterized by a decolonial approach. This means that we recognize the central role that universities have played and continue to play in the production of colonial-racist knowledge. This also means that we question habitual university practices. We are guided by the following questions: What knowledge is recognized, heard and valued here at ASH? From what perspective is teaching done? What is the teaching content? Which students are addressed and how? How are exclusions produced in everyday student life? What are visions of a decolonial university?
On the website “PowerBooks” you can find a list of books that have inspired us!
Most of them were written by people who have experienced racism. It is a small collection of knowledge that is critical of domination and, above all, critical of racism. Some of these analyses, novels, articles, poems and life stories have helped us to name and understand our (racism) experiences, others have encouraged us or made us laugh.
Of course, the list is never complete and we look forward to further recommendations!
EmpA archive
Orientation week 01.04. - 05.04.2024
2.4. occupancy workshop 12-14h
4.4. origami - creative workshop 14-17h
5.4 Kreuzberg city tour with BIPoC presentation
31.5 OverFlow_voices, visions, we - in collaboration with the ichbinda! initiative
Symposium: Decolonize University! - We would like to focus on the colonial entanglement of science as well as the coloniality within academia. Which kind of knowledge is recognized? How does systemic racism play out in university contexts? What could „Decolonize University“ entail?
PowerBodyWorkshop - Thursday 30th of July from 18:00 to 20:00
EmpA Power Reunion 2.0. in Times of Corona - Friday 15th of May 18:00 - 20:00
Gegen Rassismus? Empowermentstrategien FÜR Widerstand & Wohlbefinden an der Hochschule2.0 (Against racism? Empowerment strategies FOR resistance & well-being at the university 2.0)
Gegen Rassismus? Empowermentstrategien FÜR Widerstand & Wohlbefinden an der Hochschule (Against racism? Empowerment strategies FOR resistance & well-being at the university) - Within the framework of the 13th Week of Mental Health in Berlin.
Zusammen haben wir eine Chance (Together we have a chance) Film followed by a discussion with Nadiye Ünsal (Filmemaker) and Garip Bali from Allmende e.V. (one of the Protagonists of the movie).
Über Rassismus schreiben: Empowered Nähe und Distanz im Schreiben finden (Writing about racism: Empowered to find closeness and distance in writing)- As part of the "2. Langen Nacht der aufgeschobenen Hausarbeiten".
Stress: A decolonized Perspectivewith Kisha "Free Woman" Montgomery.
Alice 41: Einfach Sein - Visionen für eine Hochschule (on page 40-41, article in German)
Pasquale Virginie Rotter: "Empowerment und Sensibilisierung". The article was first published in the Alice 36 in the winter semester 2018/19.
Alice 39 „Diversität Macht Perspektivenvielfalt“. Artikel von EmpA "Wissen empowern" auf Seite 40-41
"Trotzdem studiere ich hier", eine Broschüre mit den Stimmen von rassismuserfahrenen Studierenden an der ASH.
Arlo Boyles
peer-to-peer counselling for students who have experienced racism
Incidents of discrimination at ASH Berlin
You can use this form to report an incident of discrimination at Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin (ASH Berlin) and, if you wish, submit a complaint for processing by the Complaints Office in accordance with ASH Berlin's anti-discrimination statutes.
The reporting form enables us to provide you with advice, initiate the complaint procedure and document cases in order to take appropriate preventive measures as a university.
Your data and the reported incident will be treated confidentially and within the framework of the Basic Data Protection Regulation. In the case of an anonymous report or complaint, we have no way of contacting you.
Please note that reporting an incident of discrimination does not automatically lead to a complaint under the anti-discrimination statute. If you have any questions, you can contact the anti-discrimination officer (antidiskriminierung@ash-berlin.eu)