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Erasmus+ program for study visits in Europe

Under the motto "Enriching lives, opening minds," Erasmus+ strengthens Europe-wide cooperation in all areas of education. Erasmus+ gives students the opportunity to study in another European country in an uncomplicated way and to expand their social and cultural skills. After completing their first year of study, students can receive funding for a study period of between a minimum of two and a maximum of twelve months at an Erasmus+ partner university.

Students may receive an Erasmus partial scholarship and tuition waiver at the partner institution. This serves to compensate for the increased cost of living in the host country.

ASH Berlin has been participating in the Erasmus+ program since 1988. The new Erasmus program generation Erasmus+ (2021-27) has started at the beginning of the winter semester 2022/23. In spring 2021, ASH Berlin was awarded the European Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), which entitles it to participate in the current generation. The Erasmus Policy Statement describes ASH Berlin's strategy, goals, and priorities for its Erasmus activities under the European Union's Erasmus+ education program for the period 2021-2027.


Erasmus+ services

  • Waiver of tuition fees at the partner institution
  • Support in preparing the stay abroad
  • Academic recognition of credits earned abroad (ECTS credits)
  • Mobility allowance for the additional costs incurred abroad of up to 600 euros per month
  • Additional financial support for students with so-called "fewer opportunities", e.g. students with children, chronic illnesses or disabilities, working students, or students from a non-academic family/household.
  • Additional financial support for sustainable travel to and from the place of study ("Green Travel").
  • The Erasmus Student Charter provides information about students' rights and obligations as well as what can be expected from the home university and the host university during the respective program phases.

Erasmus+ Mobility Grants

The mobility grant is intended to compensate for the increased cost of living in the host country. The amount of the Erasmus+ mobility grant is based on country groups determined by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). The basis of the calculation is the average cost of living in the country of residence. The monthly rates are recalculated each year based on the current funding amount and may therefore differ from the previous year.

  • 600€ / month for countries with the same cost of living: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden
  • 540€ / month for countries with a lower cost of living: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey,

Students can apply for additional funding for sustainable travel to and from their place of study ("Green Travel"). Sustainable travel includes travel by train, bus, carpool, bicycle or on foot and the majority of the travel distance (i.e. more than 50%) must be covered in this way.

For "Green Travel", a one-time application of 50 EUR can be made (only during the academic year 2023/24) . There is also the possibility of funding for up to 4 additional travel days, provided that your travel time is extended due to the sustainable mode of transport. Per trip, you can apply for 1 additional day from 4 hours travel time and 2 additional days from 8 hours travel time. You enter the number of additional travel days required directly on the associated form when you apply.

How do I apply for the grant? After a successful application for a study place at an Erasmus+ partner university, the application for a "Green Travel" grant is part of the regular scholarship awarding process. Approximately 2-3 months before the start of your Erasmus+ semester, the International Office will organize an information event about the Erasmus+ grant - and you will automatically receive all information and the form to apply for the "Green Travel" grant. Important: by applying for this grant, you agree to keep the original proofs of sustainable arrival/departure for 5 years and to submit them to the International Office of ASH Berlin for verification upon request!

For students with so-called fewer opportunities ("Fewer Opportunities") it is possible to apply for an additional financial support ("Social Top Up") of 250 EUR per month. Participants with fewer opportunities are:

  • Students with a disability
  • Students with a chronic illness
    • Chronic illness resulting in additional financial needs abroad
  • Students with child(ren) who bring at least one child along to their stay abroad
    • At least one child will be taken with them throughout their stay abroad. The grant amount is independent of the number of children.
  • Students from a non-academic family/household
    • Both parents or caregivers do not have an academic degree (i.e. both parents must not have a degree from a FH/TH or university or a university of cooperative education. Foreign degrees are also included, regardless of whether they are recognized in Germany or not). In the case of single parents, this rule only applies to the respective parent with whom the child lives or grew up .
  • Working students
    • The gainful employment must have been exercised continuously for at least 6 months in a period of 9 months before leaving the country.
    • During the minimum period of employment prior to application, monthly earnings must be above 450 EUR and below 850 EUR (net earnings of all activities per month added up).
    • The activity is not continued during the stay abroad. A termination is not a prerequisite, the employment contract can also be paused.
    • Generally, self-employed activities and dual/part-time study programs with a fixed salary are excluded.

How do I apply for the grant? After a successful application for a study place at an Erasmus+ partner university, the application for a "Social Top Up" is part of the regular scholarship awarding process. Approximately 2-3 months before the start of your Erasmus+ semester, the International Office will organize an information event about the Erasmus+ scholarship - and you will automatically receive all information and the form to apply for the "Fewer Opportunity" grant. Important: By applying for this grant, you agree - depending on the type of grant - to submit appropriate evidence to the ASH Berlin International Office for review either directly when submitting the application or for up to 5 years upon request.

Students with a disability, chronic illness or child(ren) can submit an application to cover real costs. Here, the real additional costs due to the disability, chronic illness or child(ren) are calculated and can be financed up to a maximum of EUR 15,000 per semester. 

It is also possible to apply for a preparatory trip to find out about the local circumstances in preparation for mobility that has already been approved. More information can be found here. If you are interested, please contact the International Office at studyabroad@ ash-berlin.eu in good time.

The financial support amounts to:

  • at least 2 months for a stay of one semester
  • in case of a stay of two semesters, usually more monthly installments can be paid, provided that sufficient funds are available.

The duration of the stay and the funding period may differ. Within the framework of an Erasmus+ study stay for one semester, you can be sponsored for a maximum of 6 months. The decisive factor is the required physical presence time on site. As a rule, the period of the academic stay confirmed by the host university is approximately 4 - 5 months.

Additional funding is available under certain conditions for participation in an intensive language course at the host institution prior to commencement of studies. 

Please note: A mobility grant can only be paid if you have completed your Erasmus+ study visit for a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 12 months. If you drop out and fall below the minimum duration, you will have to repay any mobility grants already paid out.

The 1st installment of your Erasmus+ grant is 80% of the planned total amount and will be paid before your stay, once the signed Grant Agreement is available.

After your return and the submission of all required documents you will receive the 2nd installment.

You can only receive Erasmus+ funding if you are studying at one of our Erasmus+ partner universities in Europe. Exchange semesters at certain universities in the United Kingdom (UK) and Cuba may also be funded with an Erasmus+ grant, even if the country is not a regular participant in the Erasmus+ program (see below for more information).

Erasmus+ partner universities

Even though the United Kingdom (UK) is no longer a direct Erasmus+ program country since Brexit, a limited number of Erasmus+ scholarships can still be awarded for exchange semesters at certain partner universities there ("International Dimension"). The funding rates of country group 1 will be paid (for more information on funding rates and country groups: see above). Attention: probably in the academic year 2023/24 this will only be possible for exchange stays at Sheffield Hallam University .

Provided students do not receive an Erasmus+ scholarship, it is again possible to apply for a PROMOS partial scholarship.

For study stays at our partner universities - Universidad de Holguín and Universidad de Santci Spíritus José Martí Pérez (Uniss) - there is 1 Erasmus+ International Scholarship per academic year. This includes a grant of 700€ per month (excluding social top ups) for a maximum of 3 months. For more information contact da International Office(studyabroad@ avoid-unrequested-mailsash-berlin.eu).

You would like to apply for an Erasmus+ place at a partner university of ASH Berlin? Then just have a look at our corresponding homepage:

Application for an Erasmus+ place

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the national Erasmus+ agency in Germany. The DAAD also offers an information platform with field reports, online trainings, tips and links to prepare for studies and internships in other European countries.


Ms. Liisa Noack

Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator/ Study abroad Erasmus+ and non-EU countries/ Erasmus+ STT mobility (administrative staff)

International Office

Room No. 345

Telephone consultation hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Other phone consultations, video consultations, or in-person meetings available by appointment. Please contact me by email first.

T +49 30 99245 306

Liisa Noack

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