Sexualized discrimination, harassment and violence have no place at ASH!

On this page you will find current information on the project "Positioned and visible - ASH Berlin's protection concept for dealing with sexualized discrimination and violence and anti-feminist attacks". The project runs from November 2022 to September 2026 and is part of the Intersectional Practice and Transformation (InPuT) department.

News and upcoming dates

Countering sexualized discrimination and violence

Sexualized discrimination, harassment and violence have no place at ASH - no matter where, when or by whom! We want to offer an appreciative and non-discriminatory teaching/learning and working environment at the university.

Sexist imagery in seminars, lewd comments or supposedly "accidental" touching - sexualized discrimination, harassment and violence take many forms.

If you yourself experience a situation in which you feel uncomfortable, then:

  • Take yourself and your feelings seriously!
  • If possible: confront the person with their behavior/their statements.
  • Confide in other people and think together about what you need.
  • Get in touch with one of the contact persons at the university.

If you observe a situation, then:

  • Don't look away!
  • Speak to the person concerned and offer your support.
  • If possible: confront the discriminating/ harassing person with their behavior or their statements.
  • Contact one of the contact persons at the university.

The following applies to contact persons and persons of trust:

  • They will make it clear that discriminatory
    behavior will not be tolerated.
  • They take every report seriously.
  • They offer their support to those affected and maintain confidentiality.


For advice and support at ASH Berlin, you can contact us directly, the central and decentralized women's* and equal opportunities officers and the network of advisors.

There are partisan counseling centers in Berlin that can support you if you have experienced (sexualized) discrimination and violence. Counseling is free of charge and confidential.


LARA e.V. - Specialist center against sexualized violence against women*:

030 216 8888


Help hotline for women*:

08000 116 016


Women's night cafe, contact point for women, lesbians, inter, non-binary and agender people

at Wildwasser e.V.:

030 48 62 82 30


Help hotline for men*:

0800 1239900


Tauwetter e.V. - contact point for men* who were exposed to sexualized violence in childhood or adolescence.

were exposed to sexualized violence:

030 693 80 07


Las Migras: Anti-violence, anti-discrimination and empowerment section of Lesbenberatung Berlin e.V.

030 21915090

Further Reading

Ahmed, Sara (2021): Complaint! Duke University Press.

Ahmed, Sara (2023): The Feminist Killjoy Handbook. Penguin Books: London

Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (2021): What to do about sexual harassment in the workplace? Guide for employees, employers and works councils. Available online.

Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (2021): Study "Dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace - solution strategies and measures for intervention". Available online.

Baader, Meike Sophia /Sager, Christine (2020): Pedagogical professionalism and reflexivity in dealing with violence and sexualized violence in power, gender and care relationships. Hildesheim 2020, available online.

Pantelmann, Heike and Blackmore, Sabine (eds.)(2023):Sexualized harassment, discrimination and violence in the university context. Wiesbaden: Springer

Goetz,Judith/ Haider, Lydia/ Weitgasser, Marina (2023): You Herbert. Insights into cruelty. Haymon Verlag: Innsbruck

Kaiser, Susann(2023): Backlash - The new violence against women. Klett-Cotta: Stuttgart

Klemm, Christina (2020): Inspection of files. Antje Kunstmann publishing house: Munich.

Mense, Lisa/ Mauer, Heike, Herrmann, Jeremia (eds.) (2022): Counteracting sexualized harassment, violence and abuse of power at universities. In: Handout. Studies Network Women's and Gender Studies NRW No. 37.

Oppermann, Carolin/ Winter, Veronika/ Harder, Claudia / Wolff, Mechthild/ Schröer, Wolfgang (eds.) (2018): Textbook Protection Concepts in Educational Organizations. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz Juventa.

Penny, Laurie (2022): Sexual revolution. Edition Nautilus. Hamburg

Potter, Shawna (2019): Making Spaces Safer. AK Press.

Sanyal, Mithu M. (2016): Rape. Edition Nautilus. Hamburg

Schütz, Hannah-Sophie/Pantelmann, Heike/Wälty, Tanja/Lawrenz, Nina (2021): Dealing with sexualized discrimination and violence at universities. A stocktaking. In: Open Gender Journal (2021).

Wiesenthal, Ann (2019): Antisexist awareness. Unrast publishing house: Münster

Wolff, Mechthild/ Schröer, Wolfgang/ Fegert, Jörg M (Eds.) (2017): Protection concepts in theory and practice. A participation-oriented workbook. Beltz Juventa.

Contact person

Everyone should feel safe at the university. This is everyone's responsibility. We support you in dealing with sexualized discrimination, harassment and violence and offer advice

Simone Wibbeke

Deputy Women's* and Equal Opportunities Officer, Speaker for Equal Opportunities

Room No. 322

Pronouns: she/her

Working hours: Monday to Thursday

T +49 30 99245-263

Peps Gutsche

Specialist for prevention and intervention in sexualised harassment and violence

Speaker protection concept

Room No. 320

keine Pronomen

We also offer advice in English.

Beratung persönlich, telefonisch und per E-Mail möglich.

T +49 30 99245-321

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