Help with discrimination
The mission statement of the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences strives for respectful, fair, difference-sensitive and appreciative interaction with each other, which enables the equal participation of all university members. All members of the university are obliged to counteract discrimination.
This claim is constantly challenged by phenomena in society as a whole, and thus discrimination, sexualized violence, mobbing or stalking also occur at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin. Discrimination or belittlement can occur due to different dimensions of discrimination, which can also be intertwined:
Ethnic origin, anti-Semitic and/or racist attributions.
gender identity and gender attributions
sexual orientation
disability and/or chronic illness(es)
social origin or status
marital status or pregnancy
religious or ideological orientation or political beliefs
If you have experienced discrimination, sexualized discrimination and violence, bullying or stalking at ASH Berlin, a selection of qualified and low-threshold anti-discrimination counselors can support you. They offer a confidential and, if desired, anonymous initial consultation and listen to you. The initial counselors take you and your experiences seriously and can discuss further steps with you, including complaints or referral to external counseling centers. The counseling follows the following counseling standards:
the counseling is always free of charge and confidential
the perspectives of the person concerned are in the foreground of the counseling and are not questioned
the counseling can be taken up anonymously, together with a companion and under naming of a pseudonym
the counseling can accompany you in further desired steps
You are not sure whether you have experienced discrimination? Often, such experiences are associated with shame, overwhelm and hurt, and people find it difficult to talk about it. The anti-discrimination counselors can support you in classifying what you have experienced and, if you wish, in identifying further contact persons.
If you would like to report incidents or file a complaint, you can do so using the digital reporting form .
Initial counseling in case of discrimination
You are welcome to contact the following anti-discrimination counselors at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin, even if you are not sure whether what you experienced was really 'discrimination' and even if the incident happened some time ago. If you prefer to talk to external counseling centers, we have compiled some contact options below.
Sometimes it can be useful to write down in advance what happened. The following questions may be helpful as an outline of the content:
When and where did the discrimination take place?
What exactly happened?
How did it happen?
Why did you feel discriminated against?
Who was involved in the incident? / Can anyone witness the incident?
These questions can also be clarified together during counseling.
In acute violent situations, the police can be reached at any time via the toll-free emergency number, Tel. 110.
Naima Moreira Frittrang und Joanne Leong
BIPoC-Referat AStA, Erstberater_innen bei Diskriminierung
Studentischer Mitarbeiter im ASH Refugee-Office, Erstberater bei Rassismuserfahrungen& Diskriminierung
Representative for students with disabilities, chron. illnesses and mental impairments, initial counsellor in cases of discrimination
Room No. 312
Office hours:
Tuesday 1 to 2.30 p.m.
You are also welcome to make appointments for counselling outside office hours. Please send me an email with your consultation request and your availability. Counselling is possible in person, by phone or online.

IT-Support Studierende Moodle, Bewerbungsportal, IT-Service
Computerzentrum, Erstberaterin bei Diskriminierung
Room No. 212
Montag, Dienstag, Donnerstag von 9 bis 15 Uhr
Mittwoch von 9 bis 13 Uhr

Zentrum für Weiterbildung, Erstberaterin bei Diskriminierung
Room No. 350 B
Erstberaterin bei Rassismuserfahrungen
Initial counselor for experiences of racism
Consultation hours by appointment

Deputy Women's* and Equal Opportunities Officer, Speaker for Equal Opportunities
Room No. 322
Pronouns: she/her
Working hours: Monday to Thursday
There are a number of counseling centers in Berlin that offer both legal counseling and psychosocial support. They each have different focuses and target groups. Many offer counseling in several languages. (Note - not all are completely barrier-free!). Here are just a few that can be good first points of contact:
- Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency
- Ombudsman's Office of the Berlin State Anti-Discrimination Law
- Anti-discrimination network Berlin of the TBB
- Anti-discrimination counseling age or disability
- Contact points for sexualized violence
- Advice center database of the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (nationwide)
- StudierendenWERK Berlin (counseling on barrier-free studying, psychological counseling, etc.).a.)
- Berlin Crisis Services (for psychosocial crises up to and including acutemental and psychiatric emergencies)
In addition to the initial advisors, there are other offices at ASH that can be contacted in their work against discrimination and violence:
- As employee representatives, the staff council as well as the staff council of the student employees can receive complaints in case of discrimination and/or can be called in for support or mediation.
- The Accessibility Commission is the point of contact for the elimination of structural, constructional and social disadvantages for students with impairments.
- The Women's and Equal Opportunity Council represents the interests of female university members and supports the Women's* and Equal Opportunity Officer in her work.
- The project "Empowerment and Antiracist Opening" at ASH Berlin supports BIPoC students at ASH Berlin with workshops and writing groups.
You have the right to complain if you experience discrimination or sexualized discrimination and violence, bullying or stalking at Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin. The complaint procedure and the staffing of the Complaints Office is defined in the Anti-Discrimination Statutes of ASH Berlin. The Complaints Office also functions as a complaints office according to §13 of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). It is possible to submit anonymous complaints. The complaints office will inform you about the further procedure in this case.
The Complaints Office consists of four persons: Prof. Dr. Nivedita Prasad, Kathrin Blaha and Helin Yakut as a student member. Additional and fourth member is a legal experienced person.
If you want to submit a complaint, you can do so via the digital reporting form . Complaints can be submitted in German or English.
You can reach the Complaints Office at beschwerdestelle-antidiskriminierung@
The Complaints Office receives complaints related to discrimination or sexual discrimination and violence, bullying or stalking and takes over the investigation of the facts. It then informs the university management of the result of its investigation and recommends appropriate measures and sanctions to it.
Legal basis
Protection against discrimination is enshrined in German law, e.g.:
- Since 2006, the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) has regulated the claims and legal consequences of discrimination in working life as well as in civil law for services/"mass transactions." It aims to prevent or eliminate discrimination on the grounds of ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity. Protection of the AGG only applies to employees of the university (working life), usually not to students - but the Berlin Higher Education Act refers the protection against discrimination to all university members, including students (§44).
- The new Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHG) in the 2021 amendment regulates, among other things, the tasks of Berlin's universities. The non-discriminatory development of all university members and the creation of appropriate structures are regulated under § 5a. In addition, the universities are obliged to appoint a women's* and equal opportunities representative as well as a representative for students with disabilities. The appointment of a representative for diversity and anti-discrimination is also new in 2021.
- The Equity Law Berlin (LGG) 2002 obligates all institutions of the state of Berlin, such as the state universities (including ASH Berlin) to ensure gender equality and the active advancement of women. §Section 12 defines sexual harassment in the workplace as discrimination and a breach of official duty and obligates employees with supervisory and management functions to investigate cases that have come to their attention.
- The Berlin State Anti-Discrimination Act (LADG) was introduced in 2020. It is intended to offer people protection against official discrimination based on racial attributions, ethnic origin, gender, religion and ideology, disability, chronic illness, age, language, sexual and gender identity, and social status. There is an LADG ombudsman's office that can be contacted if advice is needed.
- Other areas of law may also be relevant in connection with discrimination, in particular labor law (e.g. regarding employee sanctions) and criminal law (e.g. regarding sexualized violence).
Anti-discrimination statutes of ASH Berlin
In February 2020, ASH Berlin issued bylaws for protection against discrimination, sexualized discrimination and violence, bullying and stalking at ASH Berlin, which were revised after the trial period and republished on May 25, 2021.
It provides the university with a comprehensive structure for the prevention of discrimination as well as counseling and complaint management in cases of discrimination. However, these structures still need to be established gradually. The relevant information will be continuously updated on this website. Until then, we ask for your patience and for the use of the support services indicated above.
The aim of the anti-discrimination statutes is to prevent discrimination, particularly on the grounds of ethnic origin, racial ascriptions, appearance, gender identity and gender ascriptions, sexual orientation, disability, chronic illness, social origin or status, age, language, family status, pregnancy, and/or religious and/or ideological orientation or political opinion within university life (provided the religious and/or ideological orientation or political opinion is not based on discrimination against others) (ASH Berlin Anti-Discrimination Statute § 1 para. 2).
The statute applies and expands current legal prohibitions of discrimination and protection at ASH Berlin. It provides ASH Berlin with a comprehensive structure for the prevention of discrimination as well as counseling and complaint management in cases of discrimination.
Every person has many identities and is thus positioned at the intersection of different possible forms of discrimination. For example, sexist slogans can also have racist connotations. Therefore, we must try to take into account the interplay of multidimensional forms of discrimination (intersectional approach).
Uebersetzung englisch spanisch tuerkisch kurmanci farsi
translation english spanish turkish kurmanci farsi
31.07.2023 · 147 KB
anti-discrimination-statute english translation
anti-discrimination-statute english translation
31.07.2023 · 742 KB
Peps Gutsche
Specialist for prevention and intervention in sexualised harassment and violence
Speaker protection concept
Room No. 320
keine Pronomen
We also offer advice in English.
Beratung persönlich, telefonisch und per E-Mail möglich.